Friday, August 30, 2013

Thing 1

This is my first experience with blogging, so here goes nothing! Technology has never really been my thing.  However, with this class I will be learning some new things so maybe I can be more comfortable with technology!  I was surprised how easy it was to set this blog up.  In just a few minutes, everything was done.  I was a little anxious at first, but then I was quite comfortable with it.

The slideshow on lifelong learning was something I was much more comfortable with since I have been in school constantly for the last 20 years.  Learning and education are more natural to me than most things in life.  However, I still struggle with some things.  The habit I have the most trouble with is habit 3.  I get frustrated easily and since I am so detail oriented I get bogged down and buried in work easily.  While at Murray State pursuing my Master's degree in history, this was a huge problem because of the heavy workload.  Making it through that program did a lot to show me that I can achieve what I set my mind too. I still struggle with seeing problems as challenges and not getting aggravated though.

The easiest habit for me is habit one.  I am a very goal oriented person; thus, I always keep the end result in mind, rather it be a good grade in a course, obtaining a degree, or even just learning something new for fun.

1 comment:

  1. I like your comment about how learning and education are more natural to you than most things in life!I admire your perseverance. I look at formal education like being on a train-- we are picked up and thrown on the train as young children, some of us really enjoy the ride and others lay back. At some point in middle to high school we realize that we are able to control the train somewhat. Then we jump onto the fast train in college and a lot of up jump off and back on. I commend your for your 20 year ride.
